*Why you are taking this course?
I am taking this course because it sounded very exciting when I heard about it on my first visit to SUNY Cortland. I have a close friend who has a camp on a small lake in the Adirondacks called Loon Lake. I feel so peaceful and love every minute of my visits there each summer. I have also camped on Raquette Lake with my family in the past and have enjoyed all of the outdoor activities.
*Why did/do you want to be a teacher? (If you are one of the students taking course who is not in education, change this answer to whatever your chosen field is)
When I was a high school student I was a lifeguard at our local pools. I really enjoyed being around young kids all day long and ever since then I have only had jobs where I was working with children. I love it and cannot think of anything else I would rather make a living doing! It is a very rewarding job where you can see in such a short amount of time (a school year) the impact that school, the classroom, and teachers have on children.
*What are your professional goals in teaching?
My personal professional goal for teaching is to always continue learning. I know that we are all pushing our way through our masters programs and will be excited to complete it, but at the same time I hope that I will continue to take classes and learn new things that I can take back to teaching (at my own pace of course)! I also have a goal to continue trying new things. I don’t want to have a classroom that is like a broken record every year. I want to have the drive to try and bring new ideas to my classroom to keep my life and the lives of my students exciting and new.
*Do you think you will make a career in teaching?
Right now I would have to say that I think I will make a career in teaching. I truly love this job. When I think about doing it for 20-30 years it can be a little scary, but I think it will become my career!
*What are your goals for this course and this week with us in the ADKs?
One goal for this class is to have fun! I want to learn the Adirondacks on deeper level than just camping there. By looking through all of our materials I am already learning a lot about this national park, its successes and challenges. I am hoping to try new things because we are constantly encouraging our students to do so and you are always happy in the end that you tried something new! I am also hoping to bring things back from this trip that I can use in the classroom. I hope to incorporate Adirondack material into science, ELA, and field trips (virtual or real)! I am really looking forward to the upcoming week and can’t wait to have some fun! I am also looking forward to the scenery...I love the views around Raquette Lake!
Thanks Colleen! - Karl